Sunday, August 19, 2012

Still non posting: done moving, still unpacking

OMG I feel like I've been gone forever. But I'm glad to see that no one has abandoned me in my absence, thank you all for your comments and welcome my two new followers! We're still in the process of unpacking; I've actually JUST found my laptop and internet hotspot in a box. I'm starting class again tomorrow, so I still will not have any pictures. Someone did give me an idea for a post though: packing and moving tips! I don't know how helpful I'll be, because I've made a lot of mistakes on this move. Maybe a Do Not Do This post? Share my fails and let them be your wisdom?

Anyway, here is a vampire smiley, just because I can.


  1. Moving is almost always an agonizing and chaotic undertaking. I'd say that if you survived it, you've done well.

    1. Thanks, my living room is still half-hidden under boxes, but we are slowing getting things together.

  2. Hi! Thanks for keeping up with your postings even through this move. This site has some great tips for doing the whole move -- from, for folks (like me) who need a little guidance in keeping up a home (as I would much rather write than clean...).

    1. Oh thank you! I probably could have used this a week ago, but we ar still unpacking and things so I'll take a look.


    This is some serious good taste in romantic turn-of-century-inspired gothic look.
    It has nothing to do with Halloween....
